
Halifax Field Naturalists

Purcell's Cove Conservation Lands Post-Fire Photos

Sept. 22, '09:
Jack Pine Seedlings

Use of Photos

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On a hike into Flat Lake via our usual trail, I observed seedlings of jackpine at two sites, both under burnt trees. Jack pine seedlings were not observed under other burnt trees, but a methodical search would likely reveal more sites and there may be more next year. - DP.
Pinus banksianaPinus banksiana
Near Flat Lake. About a dozen jack pine seedlings were present under this burnt tree. Other species: mostly Gaylussacia baccata (black huckleberry)
Pinus banksiana
A single plant of Artemesia stellariana (beach wormwood) was observed at this site, but not elsewhere on the Conservation Lands.
Pinus banksiana
Some seedlings appeared severely drought stressed.
Mt. sandwort
Mountain sandwort (Arenaria groenlandica)
on burnt ground near Flat Lake.

Pinus banksiana
A second site near Flat Lake.
(N44 35.993; W-63 34.879)
Pinus banksiana
Other species: Luzula luzuloides (woodrush), Kalmia angustifolia (lambkill), Gaulheria procumbens (teaberry).