Author Archives: davidp

Tree culling at Point Pleasant Park to be discussed on Rick Howe Show Tues 21 May 2019 at 11 am

UPDATE: Advocacy group concerned about culling of trees in Point Pleasant by: Victoria Walton FOR “The Friends of Point Pleasant Park group wants more information on the proposed cull of 80,000 non-native trees in the park”. The 95.7 Interview … Continue reading

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Nature Trust’s Historic Land Campaign include two new properties, donations now matched 4:1 until April 5, 2019

From Nova Scotia Nature Trust: “Our Lasting Landscapes campaign was already on track for historic land conservation achievements. Now, an unexpected $400,000 top-up in matching funds means even greater biodiversity wins can be leveraged for Nova Scotia. We just added … Continue reading

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April 26 to April 29, 2019: City Nature Challenge – Halifax

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Monday Feb 4, 2019: Zoe Lucas at NSIS on Sable Island, A Monitoring Platform for Marine Pollutants

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Thurs Feb 7, 2019: Nova Scotia Nature Trust Volunteer Coordinator

Ryan MacLean, Volunteer Coordinator for the Nova Scotia Nature Trust, is delighted to join the HFN to talk about her work with the Nova Scotia Nature Trust. Ryan will share her personal journey of how she came to work in … Continue reading

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Thurs Jan 31, 2019: The Possibility of Gaia

What: “The Possibility of Gaia”, a discussion with Frederic Bouchard (Universite de Montreal), Tim Lenton (University of Exeter), Ford Doolittle (Dalhousie) and Joe Bielawski (Dalhousie).

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HFN co-litigant in legal action for Nova Scotia’s species at risk

“After intense deliberation, the board of the Halifax Field Naturalists has decided to support the lawsuit by becoming co-litigants, as has the Blomidon Naturalists Society.” —– Jan 14, 2019 Press Release Mr. Bob Bancroft and three of Nova Scotia’s naturalists’ … Continue reading

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Insect Apocalypse & Some Observations on Moths in Nova Scotia

Writing in Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology, a public Facebook group, Connie A. posted a link to a NY Times article, The Insect Apocalypse is Here (subtitle; “What does it mean for the rest of life on … Continue reading

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The Bluff Wilderness Hiking Trail reveals ‘new branch’ of evolutionary tree of life

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Will we still have coral reefs 100 years from now?

Since 1980, most coral reefs have experienced at least three episodes of coral bleaching, triggered by global warming. Mass mortality of corals due to bleaching represents a radical shift in the disturbance of tropical reefs, representing a fundamental challenge to … Continue reading

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Wed Nov 7, 2018: Documentary & Discussion on Forest Bioenergy

The Halifax Field Naturalists Club is one of the partners in showing the film ““Burned – Are Trees the New Coal?” on November 7, at 6:30 p.m. at the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History There will be a panel … Continue reading

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How long has it been since you went to McNabs Island, a unique provincial park and national historic site in the outer Halifax harbour? This 400ha island is an oasis for wildlife with over 250 species of birds including osprey … Continue reading

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