Archived Newsletters

The Halifax Field Naturalists have published a newsletter, generally four per year, since its inception in 1975. In 2015, David P. electronically archived past issues as a contribution to the celebration of HFN’s 40th Anniversary in October of 2015.

Our policy is to make all issues except those for the most recent three years available on this page as PDF documents.

Thanks to Bob and Wendy McDonald, Shirley McIntyre and Stephanie Robertson for making past issues available for this purpose. Materials may be reproduced or modified under the conditions of a Creative Commons License.These are searchable* PDF documents requiring use of Acrobat Reader.

Unfortunately, the simple search tool that was available on this page previously and allowed one to search all issues for a specific word or phrase failed to work following the recent site software update, so it has been removed. However, the whole website, including the newsletters, can be readily searched using Google Advanced Search. For the “site or domain” Box, enter

Click on an issue number below to link to the related PDF document. Depending on your browser version and how its configured, you may be able to read and search within an individual  PDF directly in the browser; alternatively, you may have to first download the PDF and then open it.*The searches may not be 100% accurate as all except the more recent issues were prepared by scanning print documents and then OCR processing them (using Adobe Acrobat Pro). However, it works pretty well.


Year Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4
1975 1 2
Year Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4 Issue 5 Issue 6
1976 3 4 5 6 7 8
1977 lost 10 11 12 13 14
Year Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4
1978 15 16 17 18
1979 19 20 21 22
1980 23 24
1981 25 26
1982 27 28 29
1983 30 31 32 33
1984 34 35 36 37
1985 38 39 40 41
1986 42 43 44 45
1987 46 47 48 49
1988 50 51 52
1989 53 54 55 56
1990 57 58 59 60
1991 61 62 63 64
1992 65 66 67 68
1993 69 70 71 72
1994 73 74 75 76
1995 77 78 79 80
1996 81 82 83 84
1997 85 86 87 88
1998 89 90 91 92
1999 93 94 95 96
2000 97 98 99 100
2001 101 102 103 104
2002 105 106 107 108
2003 109 110 111 112
2004 113 114 115 116
2005 117 118 119 120
2006 121 122 123 124
2007 125 126 127 128
2008 129 130 131 132
2009 133 134 135 136
2010 137 138 139 140
2011 141 142 143 144
2012 145 146 147 148
2013 149 150 151 152
2014 153 154 155 156
2015 157 158 159 160
2016 161 162 163 164
2017 165 166 167 168
2018  169 170 171 172
2019  173  174  175  176
2020  177  178  179  180
2021  181 182 183 (n/a)