Category Archives: Uncategorized

Environmental Report Card for NS political parties

The Nova Scotia Environmental Network released their Environmental Report Card today, citing 27 questions addressed to Nova Scotia Greens, Liberals, NDP, Conservatives, the answers they received and their comments and grades on the same.

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Thursday, Oct. 3, 2013: Native Fern Landscaping

Iain Jack, who operates Fernwood Plant Nursery in Hubbards, N.S., will explore via a slide presentation the unique and ancient history of ferns, aspects of fern ecology, ways of growing and using ferns, and the diversity of native ferns. Read … Continue reading

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Bill Betty on Cougars

Bill Betty, a mountain lion advocate, will be giving a presentation on Wednesday, September 18 from 7-9 in the Museum of Natural History auditorium. This talk will cover all aspects of Cougar behavior including reproduction, predation and habituation. He will … Continue reading

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Sept. 27-29 Annual Mushroom Foray

The Nova Scotia Mycological Society will be holding it’s annual foray in Berwick on the weekend of September 27-29. Full details and registration will be available shortly on the society’s web site at:

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Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013: Marine Biodiversity Conservation

The first presentation of HFN?s 2013/2014 programme will be delivered by Professor Dr. Boris Worm of the Biology Department, Dalhousie University. He will provide an overview of the emerging discipline of marine conservation biology.  7:30 pm at NS Museum of … Continue reading

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Rewilding our Hearts

Presentation by renowned expert on coyote and canid behaviour, Dr. Marc Bekoff at Dalhousie University on Friday evening July 12th. He will talk about the emotional and moral lives of animals (non-human) and how it matters to them and us … Continue reading

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Open House Sessions for Public Consultation on Proposed Changes to the Regional Plan June 10-17

Attend an open house to learn more about the proposed changes, discuss with HRM staff and provide feedback. There will be a session on Wednesday June 12, 2013 at Canada Games Centre, 26 Thomas Raddall Drive, Halifax, others in North … Continue reading

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Thursday evening, June 13: Tree Scavenger Hunt

Join us as an expert or novice at 6:00 p.m. at the Dingle Tower Parking Lot for a tree scavenger hunt. Read more

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Thursday, June 6: Antarctica for an Hour of a Month

David MacKenzie will share highlights and impressions of a trip which he made to Antarctica. 7:30 pm at NSMNH. Read more

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Rhodora spring

Blooms of rhodora are just coming out in The Valley and are still in the bud in HRM woods. This deciduous azalea was featured in the Nova Scotia Naturally column in The Chronicle Herald Saturday ed. today (May 18th). See … Continue reading

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Thursday, May 2: Wetland Policy, Vernal Pools and You

John Brazner of NSE will describe the goals and objectives of the Vernal Pool Mapping and Monitoring Project and do his best to recruit some citizen scientists to help with the monitoring of vernal pools in their favourite stomping grounds. … Continue reading

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Monday Apr 22nd: Donna Crossland on Wind and fire in gloomy forests

Donna will provide a brief examination of 18-19th century forests, and describe how assemblages of floral species were influenced by natural processes and human-altered disturbances, as early settlers toiled in dim shadows cast from tall trees. Meeting of the NS … Continue reading

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