Category Archives: Uncategorized

Wed., May 19th: Biodiversity Bingo!

Biodiversity Bingo! Wednesday, May 19 from 7 to 8:30pm Just Us! Café 5896 Spring Garden Road Join us (Sierra Club supporters) as we celebrate the International Day of Biological Diversity (May 22) and kick off our first annual fundraising campaign … Continue reading

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Wednesday, May 12: Silence of the Songbirds

In a special evening sponsored by HFN, EAC and others, Bridget Stutchbury will share her research findings on declining species of birds associated with continuing threats such as pesticides, loss of habitat, and the bright lights of urban areas. Read … Continue reading

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St. Mary’s River/NSEN May 29

Nova Scotia Nature Trust, Nature NS and the St. Mary’s River Association are offering a weekend of nature activities beginning Sat May 29th. See NSNT & Nature NS (Nature NS activities begin Friday evening.)

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MAY 29 & 30: Forest and Field: Drawing and painting spring wildflowers

A workshop with artist and illustrator Twila Robar-DeCoste at Harrison Lewis Centre, Port Joli. For details of this and other workshops, see Harrison Lewis Centre

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Historic Land Purchase Program a Huge Success!

A page on the EAC website highlights recent land purchases amounting to over 56,000 hectares by the N.S. government. Read more

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Moss Identification Workshop, April 27-29, 2010

A three day workshop on how to identify common mosses of Nova Scotia set in the natural and relaxing setting of Mersey River Chalets. The workshop includes daily field trips, an introduction to the use of microscopes, identification keys, and … Continue reading

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Thurs. Apr. 1: Biological Pest Control

SMU Professor Susan Bjornson will present a history of biological pest control outlining a few successes/failures, including the recent issue of ‘bee decline’. 7:30 p.m. at the NSMNH. Read more

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Western Common Wilderness Common: Feedback and Open House

HRM is seeking feedback on on its recently released Draft Master Plan for the Western Common Wilderness Common by April 14th, 2010. It is also holding an open house on Wednesday, April 14 from 6:30-9:00 pm at Brookside Jr. High … Continue reading

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Green Map Exhibition March 15th – 19th, 2010 at SMU

As part of Sustainability Week @ Saint Mary’s, the University will host a Green Map Exhibition from March 15th – 19th, 2010 to showcase some of the Green Maps their partners have created here in Nova Scotia and beyond. Read … Continue reading

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BioBlitz 2010: June 5th at Crystal Crescent Beach

BioBlitz 2010: June 5th at Crystal Crescent Beach. Details. School students are invited to enter the essay contest (deadline: March 31st).

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Consultations for Candidate Wilderness Area scheduled for March, 2010

Photo on NSE Website Feb. 12, 2010: Public consultation for the Five Bridge Lakes candidate wilderness area is now underway. A page on the N.S. Environment’s website provides a consultation newsletter, background documents, dates of open houses (March 10, 24, … Continue reading

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At HFN’s AGM on March 4th, Richmond Campbell received the Colin Stewart Conservation Award for 2010 for his work to promote conservation through his key role in the conceptualization, construction and maintenance of The Bluff Wilderness Hiking Trail. Read more. … Continue reading

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