Colin Stewart Conservation Award 2016

David Patriquin (left) is presented with the Colin Stewart Conservation Award by Richmond Campbell

At the April meeting of HFN, the Colin Stewart Conservation Award for 2016 was given to HFN member David Patriquin. From the presentation: “My nomination is based on three categories of unremunerated conservation effort: (1) Protection of the Five Bridge Lakes Wilderness Area under the NS Wilderness Areas Protection Act (achieved in October 2011); (2) leadership in the development and maintenance of more than a dozen community-based volunteer environmental organizations at the provincial, regional, and local levels; and (3) conservation education through not only these organizations but also many independent channels, such as guided tours, public speaking, radio and TV interviews, carefully researched and documented letters to government, newspaper articles, extensively researched background papers offered for use in promoting conservation, and individual training and mentoring welcomed by many laypersons, academics, and civil servants.” View Richmond Campbell’s remarks at the presentation

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