Category Archives: Conservation

Land purchased for Blue Mountain Birch Cove Lakes

“On January 18, the Halifax Regional Municipality purchased approximately 197 acres of lands to form part of a Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes Regional Park. This important acquisition marks the first parcel of land to be acquired by the municipality towards … Continue reading

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West Mabou Beach Provincial Park is under threat

West Mabou Beach Provincial Park is under threat of partial development in the form of a golf course. View Fight brewing over potential golf course in Mabou area CBC, Jan 1, 2018 The West Mabou Beach Committee is asking naturalists … Continue reading

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Scott Leslie’s clearcut photos of a mine’s lasting footprint

We are hearing a lot about the MANS (Mining Association of Nova Scotia) efforts to open up protected areas for mining these days, how some of our protected areas have been clearcut with the implication that if we can clearcut … Continue reading

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Scott Leslie’s clear-cut photos of clearcuts

Scott Leslie was our guest speaker on Thurs Dec 7, 2017, his topic: Untamed Atlantic Canada. Scott’s photographs and reading from his latest book (Untamed Atlantic Canada) held us spellbound. After the final questions about his presentation he asked if … Continue reading

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Thurs Oct 19, 2017: Forest Funeral

The Healthy Forest Coalition is sponsoring a “Forest Funeral” on Thursday, October 19th, 2017 – 1:00 pm, meeting at the Grand Parade Square (1770 Barrington Street) for a march to PROVINCE HOUSE. HFN is member of the Healthy Forest Coalition. … Continue reading

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NSDNR responds to HFN Conservation Committee document

The Conservation Committee of the Halifax Field Naturalists submitted a document, Impacts of forestry in Nova Scotia on conservation of biodiversity: Concerns and Questions, to government on April 19, 2017. View Post (Apr 29, 2017) . A detailed response was … Continue reading

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Independent Review of forestry in Nova Scotia announced

In its pre-election budget address on April 27, 2017, the Liberal government announced

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July 28-30 workshop at HLC, Nova Scotia: Woodlot management as if biodiversity mattered

“Join three champions of intelligent forestry – author Jamie Simpson (“Restoring the Acadian Forest”), forest ecologist Donna Crossland, and forest carbon sequestration pioneer Dale Prest, for a weekend addressing the many ways forests benefit society – while absorbing practical knowledge … Continue reading

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Tues May 16, 2017: Environmental Issues Election Debate

May 16, 2017 | 10:00 – 11:30 AM 6350 Coburg Rd., University of King’s College New Academic Building, Alumni Hall As poss, RSVP via Facebook See EAC for details

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NS celebration of Nature Weekend May 26-28, 2017

Nature NS is holding its popular spring weekend at Milford House May 26-28, 2017. As in the recent past, the Young Naturalist Club will be participating, making it a family affair. There are talks about loons, flying squirrels and trout, … Continue reading

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May 15-June 12: Final Public Engagement, Halifax Green Network Plan

The Halifax Regional Municipality is conducting the third and final phase of public engagement for the Halifax Green Network Plan, a decision-making framework for the conservation of a region-wide network of open space. A number of planning and implementation directions … Continue reading

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Questions about forestry science forwarded to NSDNR

The Conservation Committee of the Halifax Field Naturalists has prepared a document commenting on the impacts of forestry in Nova Scotia on conservation of biodiversity and asking questions about the underlying science. View Impacts of forestry in Nova Scotia on … Continue reading

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