How long has it been since you went to McNabs Island, a unique provincial park and national historic site in the outer Halifax harbour? This 400ha island is an oasis for wildlife with over 250 species of birds including osprey and blue heron and boasts seven different terrestrial habitats from sandy beaches and marshes to forests and abandoned pasturelands. Cathy McCarthy, President of the Friends of McNabs, will help you renew your acquaintance with McNabs Island and discuss how the Friends have been cleaning up and protecting the island from major development since 1990 while re-introducing it to the public via guided tours and annual events. For those who might be interested, the Friends’ book, “Discover McNabs Island” will be available for a cost of $20 after the talk.
This HFN talk is at 7:30pm at the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History (1747 Summer Street, Halifax). All welcome.

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