“Time to move biodiversity and wildlife to Environment”

clearcutIn an opinion piece in the Oct 4 Chronicle Herald, Jamie Simpson cites the clearcutting of environmentally sensitive Western crown Lands as evidence that responsibility for protecting for biodiversity and wildlife should be moved from the N.S. Dept. Natural Resources to N.S. Dept. of Environment. Read more

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lighthouseChris Mills will explore the history of Canadian lighthouses, interwoven with his own lightkeeping experiences as an assistant and acting Principal Lightkeeper on 11 light stations in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and British Columbia. Read more

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Mushroom Foray Sep 26-28, 2014

mushroomWhy not have an outdoor WILD MUSHROOM experience? The Nova Scotia Mycological Society is holding its 6th annual foray in Wallace, NS beginning Friday, Sept 26 through Sunday, Sep 28. All are welcome. This event is geared to anyone interested in mushrooms and/or natural history. See the full program, registration and accommodation details at nsmushrooms.org.

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With Pat Leader, visit historic Cabin Lake Trail, developed and maintained by the Halifax North West Trails Association (HNWTA). It leads to and around Cabin Lake, both of which are part of Hemlock Ravine Park. Details on our Walks and Talks Page

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HFN’s Archived Newsletters are still relevant

newsletterRead about The Cheticamp raised Bog – before if was flooded for the Wreck Cove Hydroelectric Project – some common edible and poisonous mushrooms in Nova Scotia, and how to recognize ten common N.S. grasses, all in July/Aug 1976 issue of the Halifax Field Naturalist! View Archived Newsletters for those items and lots more.

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DNR and the disappearing science

forest clearcut A Halifax Media Co-op article by Robert Devet asks if our forests are “not a renewable resource after all” and highlights nutrient supply issues as a matter of concern. “Poor soils, acid rain and a history of clearcutting make Nova Scotia’s forests vulnerable to aggressive harvesting practices, a biologist argues. Yet the Department of Natural Resources is not releasing a scientific report that identifies where not to clearcut.” View Article

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Tuesday, Sep. 9: Why Forests Matter

forestsAn evening of discussion about forests, their influence on society and why they matter to Canadians. A Nature Conservancy of Canada Event at Pier 21. $8 admission, students free. Details

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Thursday Sept. 4: Native Wild Bees

Bee decline is a worrying phenomenon. In our first evening meeting for the fall season, Andony Melathopoulos will introduce us to the key Nova Scotian species, provide a glimpse of their natural history, and talk about what we need to do to ensure their conservation. 7:30 p.m. at the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History on Summer Street in Halifax. All welcome. Read more

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Prospect Head, Caramelized White Spruce

ProspectOn our joint Halifax Field Naturalists/Nova Scotia Wildflower Society walk at Prospect Head Nature Reserve yesterday (July 12, 2014), we noted extensive browning of vegetation which was attributed to salt burn associated with sea spray from Tropical Storm Arthur 8 days before, preceded and followed by hot, dry weather. At one point, a few of us paused and wondered about a strong smell of caramelized sugar that seemed to come from a white spruce.. read more

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Peter Webster will lead this scenic hike which starts and finishes at the Inner Gulf Island end of the coastal trail and goes toward Prospect. Read more.

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SMU plans threaten precious woodland

precious oak woodland in Halifax According to the SMU Campus Master Plan, St. Mary’s University plans to construct a large buildling (the “Oaks Complex”) in the red oak woodland by The Oaks in south-end Halifax. This remnant natural woodland with elements of old growth forest (multiaged oaks, snags, decaying fallen trees) & abundant witch hazel, indian pipe, mocassin orchid and bird life would be decimated… View Photo

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Tuesday June 24, 2014: HRM Public Hearing on RP+5

HRMThe now long-awaited Public Hearing on RP+5 will be held by Halifax Regional Council commencing on Tuesday, June 24, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. in the Halifax Regional Council Chambers at City Hall, 1841 Argyle Street, Halifax, NS. All written and oral presentations will be considered at that time. Written submissions may be forwarded to the Municipal Clerk by mail, P.O. Box 1749, Halifax, NS, B3J 3A5; by fax, 490-4208; or by e-mail, clerks@halifax.ca. Written submissions should be received by the Municipal Clerk’s office as early as possible, but not later than 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 24, 2014. For a summary of the proposed changes to the Regional Plan, see Notice. The OurHRM Alliance supports the revisions to the Regional Plan – please show support by writing a letter &/or attending &/or speaking at the Public Hearing. UPDATE from OurHRM Alliance: “After over two years of hard work, the revised Regional Plan has passed almost unanimously at council.” !!!!!!!!!! June 26th – view Chronicle Herald Report

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