Thursday April 5: Maritimes Butterfly Atlas

butterfly Join us for a talk by Maritimes Butterfly Atlas Director John Klymko and learn more about this important conservation effort. Read more

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Monday March 19th: A Living Building

living wallThe Centre for Built Environment (CBE), located at the NSCC’s Waterfront Campus, is an example of restorative building design. Join us at 9:45 a.m. for a 10:00 a.m. tour of the Woodside Wing of NSCC’s Waterfront Campus. Read more

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N.S. Wetland Courses 2012

wetland The Fern Hill Institute for Plant Conservation in assocation with the K.C. Irving Environmental Science Centre is offering four practical 3-4 day wetland courses in 2012. Details

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Tuesday, March 27th: Sable Island Update

Sable IslandThe eighth Annual Public Meeting on Sable Island, 7-9:30 pm at SMU. Talks about research, art, and island activities, and a review of National Park status, followed by a Question & Answer session, and reception. More info

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Thursday March 15: People of a Feather

feathersA very exciting film screening of the award winning documentary “People of a Feather” and a conversation with the director Joel Heath will be hosted by the EAC on Thursday, March 15 at 7pm at Carbon Arc Cinema (Khyber building: 1588 Barrington St 3rd Floor). A fundraiser for the Arctic Eider Society, tickets are $10 and available in advance from the EAC 429-2202 (seating is limited). See Trailer, also EAC Facebook Event

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Thursday March 1: AGM and Members’ Slide Night

frogHFN is noted for speedy rather than lengthy AGMs, always followed by a wonderful slide show presentation and a social. All welcome. Read more

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Nova Scotia Environment seeking Info on Vernal Pools

vernal pool Vernal pools are small, shallow wetlands that lack permanent inlet or outlet streams and often dry out in the summer. They provide critical breeding habitat for frogs, salamanders, insects and fairy shrimp, and feeding and drinking sites for birds, mammals, turtles and other wildlife. Are you aware of any shallow wetland pools in the forests near your home or near places you vacation, hike, hunt or bird watch? Please tell NSE about them!.

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Saturday Feb. 4th: Annual Sewer Stroll

Sewer stroll With the Nova Scotia Bird Society we’ll visit all of our favourite winter birding sites in and around Halifax Harbour looking for ducks, gulls, and alcids. Meet 9:00 a.m., McCormack’s Beach Prov. Park parking lot, just past Boondocks Restaurant in Eastern Passage. Read more

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Thursday Feb. 2: The Amazon Rain Forest

Amazon RiverCome join us and enjoy Barbara O’Shea’s illustrated travelogue about an adventure voyage on the headwaters of the Amazon. Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History 7:30 p.m. Read more

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Dorcas Copper butterfly at Black River Fen, Inverness Co.

butterflyJohn Klymko et al. recently reported occurrence of the rare Dorcas Copper butterfly in a rich calcareous fen at Black River, Inverness County. It’s typically associated with shrubby cinquefoil. Read more about this butterfly and its habitat at Black River in the Journal of the Acadian Entomological Society.

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Thoughts for the New Year

The Acadian Forest
Landscape painter Mark Brennan makes a plea to recognize the intrinsic value of all living things in his moving film, The Acadian Forest, The Story So Far.

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Thursday, Jan 5, 2012: Changing Sea Levels

coastJoin documentary photographer Dan Doucette to learn about the natural disaster that’s been centuries in the making. 7:30 p.m. NSMNH. Read more

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