Growing pressure to protect Purcell’s Backlands

Jack Pine BarrensCBCL Limited consultants asked for feedback on proposals to extend water & sewage along Purcell’s Cove Road. At a packed meeting on Oct 29th, participants expressed clearly “not needed, not wanted” and called on HRM to conserve the Purcell’s Cove Backlands for wildlife and wilderness recreation. More..

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Thurs. Nov. 1: St. Mary’s River… A Ribbon of Green

During this talk, Karen McKendry, of the Nova Scotia Nature Trust, will share some of the features of the glorious properties protected along the river, describing the Nature Trust’s work in this region, and revealing some new findings on the history of forest recovery there. 7:30 p.m. at the NSMNH. Read more

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Monday Oct 29th: Imp. meeting affecting Purcell’s Backlands

Williams Lake The Williams Lake Conservation Company urges residents of and visitors to the Williams Lake/Purcell/s Backlands area to participate in discussions that will affect the future of this area: Monday October 29, 2012, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at Captain William Spry Community Centre, Multi-purpose Room 16 Sussex St., Spryfield. See Announcement

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Friday Oct 19th: Farmed Salmon vs. Wild

aquacultureRansom A. Myers Lecture in Science & Society: “Farmed Salmon vs. Wild”, by Alexandra Morton, Founder & Director of the Rainforest Research Society, Simoom Sound, BC. Potter Auditorium, Rowe Building, 6100 University Avenue, 7:00 pm. “Coastline will be an aquaculture dump site, marine biologist warns” (Chronicle Herald)

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Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012 Blue Beach Fossil Field Trip

We will spend 45 minutes in the Fossil Museum viewing various displays, hearing about life 350 million years ago, and about creatures’ bodily remains and their trackways, from BBFM Curator & Tour Guide, Chris Mansky. We’ll also hear about evolution’s greatest mystery – the transition of life from water onto land, and about common fossils easily found at Blue Beach. We’ll then head to the beach for a guided one-hour, two-km long, fossil expedition. See Walks

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Troop Island Protected

Troop IslandA campaign to raise $820,000 to purchase 28 acres of Troop Island in St. Margaret’s Bay has been successful through the efforts of the St. Margaret’s Bay Stewardship Association, the Nova Scotia Nature Trust and many volunteers and donors. The island boasts beautiful beaches, old growth forest, intertidal marsh lands, a rich bird life, a large freshwater pond and more. Read more About Protection, view some Pics

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St. Mary’s River weekend rescheduled for Oct. 13 &14

SMRiverAh, the challenges of visiting a floodplain! The weekend of walks on the St. Mary’s River on Sept. 29 & 30 was cancelled due to extremely high water levels flooding the area. We are tentatively rescheduling for the weekend of Oct. 13 &14, weather dependent. The water levels continue to be high, but could drop. We will make a determination next Wednesday, Oct. 10, as to whether the walks are going ahead, or are cancelled again, and all registered participants will be notified either way. If interested in participating, please register with Richard or Karen. Read more

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All the Birds of Nova Scotia

bookIan McLarenn’s Just released book makes interesting reading for nature folk. It’s not a guide, but focusses on “the finer details of occurrence and identification… readers can find answers to questions such as: Where does the bird normally occur? Is it common or rare, or becoming more, or less, common? Is it unusually late or early for the season? Available from from Gaspereau Press

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Large polypore mushrooms on Halifax Oaks

poypore mushroomsSome spectacular polypore mushrooms have been spotted on or by old Halifax Oaks, as reported for Nature Notes yesterday evening. View Pics

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Thursday, Oct. 4: From Greenland to Here

GreenlandOn our Thursday evening meeting, Carl Duivenvoorden, Speaker-Writer-Green Consultant will talk about Greenland, a huge factor in climate change, and the potential impacts of climate change on Atlantic Canada. Also, he’ll present solutions – both large-scale and local – and discuss how everyone can make a difference through personal actions and advocacy. All welcome. Read more

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St. Mary’s River Trip this weekend cancelled or postponed

The joint NSNT/HFN weekend on the floodplain of the St. Mary’s River scheduled for this weekend is cancelled because of heavy flooding caused by recent rain. We may try to reschedule.

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Photos from Purcell’s Cove Conservation Lands

PCCLPhotos from the joint Nova Scotia Nature Trust/HFN field trip of August 18th, 2012, and the full species inventory for the Purcell’s Cove Conservation Lands (PCCL) are posted on this website. See PCCL Photos & PCCL Inventory. The PCCL is the only formally protected area in the “Purcell’s Backlands”.

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