Mon Mar 24: Sean Basquill on Karst: Rare plant communities

sheperdiaSean Basquill will give a presentation to the N.S. Wild Flora Society on “Karst: Rare plant communities, characteristic rare plants and ecological determinants” at 7:30 pm at Auditorium, N.S. Museum of Natural History, Summer St., Halifax, all welcome. See NS Wild Flora Society

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If you missed HFN Members’ Photo Night…

closeupA highlight was definitely a moving collection of photos by Lesley-Jane Butters. She has given us permission to post them for all. See Lesley-Jane’s Nature Close-Up

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A Rare Plant Community in the Backlands

backlandsThe Williams Lake Conservation Company has issued a report which documents the plant communities of the Williams Lake backlands. Prominent amongst them: the rare, Jack Pine/Broom Crowberry barrens. These are well known to NS Wild Flora Society folks because the best stands anywhere occur on the Halifax mainland, but they are nationally unique, occurring only in a handfull of windswept, exposed barrens along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia and at a few sites in Maine and nowhere else. Read more

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Quick Read on Climate Change

Climate Change: Evidence and Causes (PDF Booklet) ( 2014 ) available at US:National Academy of Sciences & UK Royal Society. A quick, sobering read.

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Thurs, Mar. 6: AGM & Members’ Photo Night

The Halifax Field Naturalists’ brief AGM takes place first. It includes reports of HFN’s business and activities over the past 12 months, election of the next Board of Directors, and presentation of the Colin Stewart Conservation Award. Then it is time to view and hear about a variety of members’ chosen photos. Read more

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Our HRM Alliance Alarmed

The OurHRM Alliance has news that a number of councillors plan to fundamentally undermine the Regional Plan at the regional Council Meeting on Tuesday, Feb 25th and urges that “Anyone and everyone who believes residents should have a say in how and where HRM grows should contact councillors and attend council on Tuesday Feb. 25 at 10:00am at city hall.” Read more

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Thursday, Feb. 6: “McNab’s Island – A Gem in Halifax Harbour”

Carolyn Mont, a long-time friend of McNab’s Island, stated, “McNab’s is near and dear to my heart.” She will discuss the flora and fauna as well as the social history of the island at our regular meeting Thursday evening. All welcome. Read more

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Jan 9, 2014: Annual Sewer Stroll

sewer stroll HFN and the Nova Scotia Bird Society, led by HFN/NSBS member Dennis Hippern, will visit all the favourite winter birding sites in and around Halifax Harbour looking for ducks, gulls, and alcids – Hartlen Point, Eastern Passage, Dartmouth Cove, Sullivan’s Pond, Tuft’s Cove, and the Bedford Waterfront.
See Walks & Talks

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Thursday, Jan. 2, 2014: Important N.S. Bird Areas

birdSue Abbott, N.S. Programme Coordinator with Bird Studies Canada, will discuss sites across Nova Scotia that are designated as Important Bird Areas. What a great way to begin 2014 in advance of the Annual Sewer Stroll! In advance, you might like to check out Read more

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Thursday, December 5: The Florida Birding Trail & Holiday Social

Wendy and Bob McDonald will show photos of some of the special birds and other creatures encountered on their Florida escape in early April. Our annual members’ Holiday Social will take place after the talk. Please bring your sweets or savouries and non-alcoholic beverages to the usual meeting area. A subscription to the Halifax Field Naturalist would make a good Christmas gift! It all begins 7:30 p.m. at the NSMNH. UPDATE: Venue is changed to Art Gallery of Nova Scotia (1723 Hollis Street) because the Museum is closed Dec 4th and 5th. Read more

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Thursday, November 7: Urban Forest Master Plan

treeThis presentation by John Charles, Project Manager for the UFMP, will provide an overview of the research and development of the plan as well as the implementation actions that are being accomplished in 2013. 7:30 p.m. at the NSMNH Read more

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Monday Oct 28, 2013: Jamie Simpson on Old Growth Forests

old growthJamie Simpson, author of Restoring the Acadian Forest, will talk to the Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society about priceless remnants of old growth forests in the Maritimes. All welcome, 7:30 pm at NS Museum of Natural History. View Poster.

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