Thursday, Jan. 3, 2013: The SS Atlantic Disaster

ship wreckCome to our first talk for the New Year and learn about the SS Atlantic, a White Star Line ship that was wrecked on Nova Scotia’s shores in the worst trans-Atlantic passenger ship disaster of the nineteenth century. Bob Chaulk, who helped author a book on the dramatic story of the Atlantic, will share his unique perspective on the loss of this fine ship. NSMNH 7:30 p.m. Read more

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Butterflies of Nova Scotia

butterfliesPeter and Linda Payzant have redesigned and updated their Butterflies of Nova Scotia website. Every species in N.S. is presented, together with data on distribution, breeding status, flight period etc. See

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Nova Scotia aquires Bowater Lands

Many have been expecting that the province would buy the Bowater lands (555,000 acres in total), and a deal was announced today. Amongst many beneficiaries, it’s good news for wildlife in the Blue Mt.-Birch Cove Lakes and Five Bridge Lakes Wilderness Areas as the adjacent, much larger St. Margaret’s Bay District Bowater Lands will be under provincial control. The province has asked groups to submit proposals to operate Crown forestlands in their communities as “community forests” a move described as “a huge opportunity for Nova Scotians to pull together and find creative solutions for our economy and our environment”. Read more

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Thursday, Dec. 6, 2012: Conservatiation’s ‘Evolution’ & Holiday Social

Dr. Peter Wells will give an illustrated talk on the evolution of the concepts of conservation from a North American western perspective – from Gilbert White and John Audubon through to modern-day conservationists. 7:30 p.m. at NSMNH. Our Holiday Social follows the talk. Read more

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Support APES, Friday Dec 7

lobsterThe Association for the Preservation of the Eastern Shore calls on citizens of the Eastern Shore & supporters to march on the legislature. Meet December 7, 2012, 1P.M. @ Grande Parade, Halifax. APES will be depositing its responses to the Environmental Assessments posted as part of Snow Island Salmon’s application for open pen salmon feedlots in Shoal Bay and Spry Harbour with the Minister of the Environment. Read more

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Principle of Bird Ethics

birdsOn the NatureNS ListServ, a participant felt that “we all need to be reminded of the Principles of Birding Ethics”, commenting that “I have witnessed entire colonies of nesting birds put to wing and young and flightless birds photographed in hand. I have also experienced binoculars staring about in my back yard as I rise from my bed on a Sunday morning, without notice or warning. On some of our lists I’ve even been given lessons on how to trespass and bypass security.” View Code of Birding Ethics

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Save Williams Lake – Video

Williams LakeGraduate students at Dal produced a 5-minute video about Williams lake and environs to highlight the values of the area & the issues. View Video

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Rick Mercer on Sable Island

Sable islandGreat video for S.I., Rick Mercer & Zoe Lucas fans!

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Monday 3 Dec.: Eric Mills on Canadian Marine Science from Titanic to BIO

Nova Scotia Institute of Science 7:30 p, at Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History. “When Titanic sank in 1912, the country had very few scientific resources to study the sea for practical or scientific reasons…” Read more

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Nov 25: Sable Island story on CBC

Sable IslandCBC’s Land & Sea show about the ecology of Sable Island, broadcast earlier today, is available online.

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Tues. Nov. 13th: Public Consultation for McIntosh Run Trail

Mac. RunThe upper part of the MacIntosh Run begins at the outflow from Long Lake and goes through residential neighbourhoods. The lower part goes through the backlands and flows into the sea at Herring Cove. The McIntosh Run Watershed Association has built an active transportation trail alongside the upper part of the run. They envisage extending the trail the entire length of the run, including a wilderness trail which would be “a rugged trail across the backlands to Herring Cove; the trail will be varied, in some places climbing along bedrock ridges, and in other places hugging the river’s edge.” Show support by attending this public consultation session, Captain William Spry Community Centre, 6:30 – 8:30 pm. See McIntosh Run Watershed Association

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Bob & Wendy McDonald honored

Bob and WendyLong time HFNers Bob & Wendy McDonald were honored with Haliwards for being ” the energy behind moving trail development and construction in North West Halifax.” Read more. They are also past recipients of HFN’s Colin Stewart Conservation Award.

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